Thursday, October 20, 2005

Not right now!!!!

My life is already fairly busy, but this week is really, really busy, what with parents coming in (must have clean house!!!) and interntional travel next week. On top of everything else, this week in gym class Dot fell and hurt her arm. I had her elevate and ice it that afternoon, gave her ibuprofen, and figured that it would heal fairly quickly. She, of course, milked it for all it was worth. Drama Queen... But, the next day she said it still hurt, so she had more ibuprofen and applied heat. She still wouldn't use the arm...
This morning she was still favoring it, so I called the doctor. Turns out we could get in this morning... Now we have a referral to go to the Imaging center for an x-ray. So, soon we will find out if it is just a sprain or if she actually fractured the arm...
I will feel really bad if it turns out to be fractured...

* So, I do feel really bad. It is fractured, a minor one, but it is fractured. Tomorrow we go to the Orthopedic office... Dot has decided to go blue if she gets a cast, but most likely it will be some sort of brace. More later...


uc said...

Do you get frequent cast discount for Dot? Maybe we should get her knee and elbow pads for Christmas.

Have fun in UK.

uc said...

Hey gello! Laura and Jim are hobbits and they do not want orks in their home. Especially on drugs and gasoline.


uc said...

Doug, you use some code words that will alert the "three letter agencies"* to this blog. You shouldn't blog the words, bommb, terrosirst, sepaaratist, or chold abuuse. They are watching.

PS *I learned this phrase at the gunn shew.
