Friday, June 24, 2005


We now have to consider our schooling options. Dot is too smart for her own good, and something must be done. Her teacher this past year suggested a few things, one being skipping a grade (which is not our school's policy), and the other being attending a PACE school. At home we have discussed the PACE option, homeschooling, and simply continuing at her current level.
Dot was all for homeschooling, and Jim likes the idea of being her teacher (and main influence on her character development!). However, it poses a problem for me - how to do housework and keep an toddler happy while trying to homeschool as well? I know that many women do this successfully everyday, and that it happened all the time in past centuries, but I am not ready for it! (Insert scream here!)
Yesterday we went to meet with the school principal. After going over her grades, we discussed our options. Surprisingly he offered to move her up a grade! We had not even discussed this at home, not thinking it possible. Now we have to consider this, too, weighing it's pros and cons. She may not be ready socially. (She may never be ready socially!)
What to do? What to do?

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