Tuesday, June 28, 2005


This weekend I tried a new recipe - well, new for me... I made a chocolate pavlova. Yummy! This dessert, the Pavlova, was created and named for Anna Pavlova, a famous ballerina in the early 1900's. New Zealand and Australia both claim to be where this recipe came from, but the jury is still out. Okay, here are the basics of this dessert: a layer of meringue covered with whipped cream topped off with fresh fruit. After looking online at some different recipes, and looking at my kitchen to see what I had, I ended up doctoring a variation of the original. My dessert was a chocolate meringue covered with real whipped cream topped with cherry pie filling. It looked good and it tasted good! Yummy! I love real whipped cream!!! I took it to a wedding shower at our church, and didn't bring any home.
chocolate pavlova


Laura said...

Iron chef? I bet that was fun! Were you involved, or did you just watch?

Laura said...

Actually, lemon is another good choice for Jim desserts. Not in the same league as chocolate, though.
I used finely chopped chocolate and cocoa powder. The recipe called for both, and it turned out to be a good choice. Although, the chocolate bits did tend to clog my piping tip - next time I will use one with a larger opening.