The thrift store and Craigslist strikes again... On Craigslist I found bookshelves this time, and a furniture sale. There's this company called Corporate Rental that every so often clears out the warehouse with a really good sale. While most of the furniture is too modern for my taste, we needed a table for the sewing room, and it didn't really matter what it looked like. We ended up getting a nice-looking, good-quality table and four (need to be reupholstered) chairs for only $60. What a good deal!

At the thrift store we found Playmobil! And not just any playmobil, a pirate ship and two castles! For only $20!

The kids are thrilled with them, and can't wait for me to sew so they can play some more.
Hey, at least they didn't get into trouble while I finished the baby quilt.

Last, but not least, today I will be very happy to finish my dinner with a slice of banana cream pie - one that doesn't contain any milk! Jim will be happy to finish his dinner with some of the leftover chocolate chess pie (it's like eating brownie batter!).

Are you drooling yet?
Boy, do I feel like an underachiever!
All I did today was apply for college and employment, laundry, ironing, vacuum, rearrange closet space, read, wash dishes...
Yes, I am drooling.
And what a lucky kid Jamie is to have a castle. It reminds me of our peg people castle. Remember the trap door and the dungeon?
When we were looking over our current home, the owners let our children play with their peg people set. When we bought the house, I made one condition. The owner had to include the peg people knight or the deal was off. We still have it. :)
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