Other than straightening up the edges, this quilt top is done! Now comes the grunt work - layering the backing and batting, basting it all together, and quilting it.
In times past, women would gather for a day, sitting around a large quilt, hand stitching the layers together. Some women would have a large quilt stretched out somewhere in their house, ready for them to sit down whenever they had time to hand stitch. Some women still do that... but I don't have room, nor the inclination to hand stitch this huge quilt!
Nowadays you can send your quilt off to be machine quilted for you, which can save you quite bit of work. However, it will not save you money - the prices make ready made quilts look economical! A simple quilting can cost $250 or more. That's just the quilting - after you've bought the material, done the patchwork, layered everything and basted it together. And after they quilt it you still have to sew on your binding.
So, this quilt will be wrested through my regular old sewing machine. I will fight it and hate it. I will breathe a sigh of relief when it is finally done. And then I will give it to my four-and-a-half year old to drag around the house.
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