a child's day dress

a child's two piece outfit

and shorts for the boy who wanted the striped pants (which he can't have because they are *girls* pants!).

These won't be entered in the fair, because I didn't get them registered. I didn't know I would be making them!
Also made, but unpictured, a pair of women's trousers.
I've never worked so hard on my sewing before. I finished every seam, and reinforced quite a few as well. This makes things look nicer - and keeps edges from fraying. In ready-to-wear, you have seams that are serged. I do not have a serger (they are still too pricey for me), so I have to go to a lot of extra effort to finish my seams. So much extra effort that I don't usually do it! Call me lazy, I don't mind.
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