Dot knows enough to make a big deal of her birthday. Jamie didn't, earlier this year, and was somewhat surprised about all the fuss being made by Dot. He still doesn't understand why he doesn't get birthday presents now, and why he doesn't get a party (which Dot isn't getting either, at least in the traditional sense). Oh well, he also has trouble with the whole idea of aging anyway. When talking about birthdays in the car, he found that he would be turning 5 on his next birthday. His response? "Oh, no! Not again!"

For Dot, we ate a summer meal of hamburgers and peel and eat shrimp, along with corn on the cob. Marble cake for dessert - which Jamie so eagerly helped to decorate. Later we will be going to Chuck-E-Cheese's, not for pizza - to play lots of games with a friend or two.
Presents included a previously loved American Girls doll (Samantha), some books, a very highly desired (and also previoulsy loved) study Bible, a few craft sets, and a dinosaur hat.

What do you mean by "previously loved"?
Previously loved is, of course, second hand, used. It just sounds better to little ears.
More yikes - the kids are mopping the kitchen right now, and "skating."
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