Sunday, February 19, 2006

A dog we never take on walks

Even though our children would absolutely love to own a dog, we don't. For one thing, I'm allergic to dog hair. Also, I would have to do all the work of feeding, cleaning up after, and walking the dog... I already do that for my whole family; I don't need to add a dog to the list. I'm not sure we could afford a dog, either.

Lately, though, we have had a dog for free, and it is so easy to take care of! Jamie has started to use his imagination, and he imagines that he is a puppy. He makes a really cute puppy! He pants, gives doggie kisses, crawls around on the floor, and eats his food like a dog. Every now and again he gives a little bark, too. He is the best dog I could ever hope for!

1 comment:

Laura said...

My allergy is specifically to the hair, but the allergy is not the major reason for not having a dog. I know that the bulk of the work would fall on my shoulders, and I don't really want a dog. I am more of a cat person - they take care of themselves. Besides, Jamie is really, really cute as a puppy!