Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Both kids took part in our local library's summer reading program. They do not have to write down each book they read, they simply have to complete a series of reading related tasks, such as talking about a story with a friend, learning to ask a librarian for help, and, of course, reading a book. When they complete a series of tasks they turn in a coupon (signed by a parent) and receive a prize. The under-4 crowd has one coupon, school aged children have four. We turned in the final coupons yesterday. Jimbo received a soft zebra striped ball and Dot received a small panda flashlight keychain and a coupon for a free meal at Old Country Buffet. They are both happy with their prizes.
I remember getting a free ticket to Wyandot Lake... Now that's a prize! I doubt they give those away anymore...

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