Our kids are lucky - very lucky. We let them open their gifts before we leave on our holiday travels! Ever since we wrapped the gifts last weekend the kids had been begging to open them. They had poked, squeezed, and shaken every package, and couldn't wait any longer! Today was rough on them. They knew Jim was coming home early for our "Christmas" but they didn't know just how early. All day they were trying to distract themselves... but it wasn't working well. They sorted out the presents... and put them back under the tree. They played on the computer. They sorted out the presents... and put them back under the tree. They returned their library books and dvd's. They ate snacks. They sorted out the presents... and put them back under the tree.They took "naps." They took baths. And just when they couldn't stand it any longer, Jim came home. After a quick living room clean-up we let them do what they had been waiting for all day long. Presents!
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