We have an old house. Old houses often have problems with winter visitors such as mice, bugs and spiders. Our cat Norah delights in taking care of mice and bugs. She doesn't seem to notice the spiders much. This year, however, we have a different kind of visitor - one we have had before, and don't mind too much - a snake! (Last time the snake stayed near the sump pump, but this year it seems to be enjoying the laundry area. In the picture it is on the hem of a dress.) We investigated, and found that the snake is a Northern Brown Snake, or DeKay's snake. It is small, and will remain so, as adults grow to 13 inches long. It is not venomous, but we will not be playing with it. We are happy to let it deal with any bugs in the basement. I'm not sure how Norah will deal with it if she ever sees it, though!
You seem to be taking it well.
Meh, it's like having a long worm in your basement. It's tiny!
Anyway, it's back in it's natural habitat now. We had it in a small aquarium for a day so Jamie could watch it (he wanted to keep it as a pet!), and then we let it free in the garden. Norah was really crazy while it was in the basement. I don't think she liked it at all!
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