We got up the first coat of stucco last week. The recipe for stucco is simple, but it still took us awhile to get it to the right consistency. Jim and I worked for a couple hours, finishing up in the dark. Sometime later this week we will put up the second coat, and possibly the top coat. It all depends on the weather - and our schedule.

This past weekend we used our Smithsonian Museum day card to visit the Calvert Marine Museum. It is an enjoyable museum. The kids really liked the ray tank and the hands-on play room.

After the museum we stopped by the Ensminger's house for a few hours. Our kids love to play with their kids. They hit it right off last time, and were so excited to see them again. They never want to leave!

But leave we did, because it's good to get home early on a Saturday, especially when you have to teach Sunday School the next morning.
So, back to the weather. We had such a rainy weekend! We awoke on Saturday to a downpour. When we left at 8:30 there was standing water in our yard, and a small rushing stream alongside our house. It tapered off throughout the morning, but continued to shower occasionally.
Okay, now back to coming home "early" on Saturday. As we were driving back into our neighborhood I thought, "How nice! It's only 6pm. I'll be able to clean up the house, get dinner ready for tomorrow, and maybe we'll be able to have someone over after church!" That was a nice thought. Too bad that the basement was soggy. All that rain had caused a bit of a flood in our basement - the bathroom was soaked, along with half of the the sewing room and laundry room. Most of our stuff was up off the floor, and was salvageable, but we still threw lots of stuff away. I have a pile of laundry to do yet - rugs, etc. Jim and I quickly grabbed dinner and went to work cleaning up the mess. Thankfully we have a steam cleaner - it pulled up the water from the carpet, and put down a nice bleach/detergent solution to combat any potential mold/mildew. By 9pm we were exhausted and disgusted with ourselves. After turning on a fan we jumped into the shower to wash off. The kids went right to bed without a fight, and we followed shortly thereafter.
So, how was your weekend?