After much preparation - and way too long of a wait, according to the kids - we have finally replaced the fish. Today we headed down to the animal rescue center, and picked out a cat. Norah is our beautiful new one-year-old cat. The kids are having a hard time letting her adjust without "help" from them. (If she ate everything they wanted to give her she would be so fat!)
So far we have found out that she is extremely curious, a good jumper, and can smell the mouse that has invaded our house. Stay tuned to see if she will ever get used to the kids!

Will she have as many kittens as Pepper? Will she rule the neighborhood like Sugar?
Ha! Neither, as she has been spayed, and will be an indoors-only cat. Our road is far too busy for us to let her outside.
She has found several good hiding places - her favorites are under our bed (in the box springs) and under/in the sofa bed. The kids can't get her there!
So cute! She looks so skinny. but then, I'm basing that on Chicago who is fat. Watch out, he started out teeny weeny too. :) I hope the kids have a great time with her!
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