Being the parent of two kids has taught me alot. One thing stands out today - kids are good at changing quickly. And I don't mean clothing.
This morning seemed fairly normal, and the beautiful warm weather beckoned. I let the kids play outside while I mopped the kitchen floor, and then I joined them for some outdoors work. They really liked cleaning the kitchen rug - we hung it over the deck rail, sprayed it with the hose, and left it to dry in the sun. I did some gardening as Dot and Jamie watered the flowers - and each other. The next thing I know is the kids are inside, tired of outdoor play.
This afternoon was Dot's gym class, and it hasn't been much fun this year. They have been trying out the different sports, spending a few weeks on each one. Dot hasn't had much skill at any of them. Perhaps she isn't an athelete. Jamie likes it, though. He gets to play with friends while she is in class. It is softball season, and Dot seemed a bit reticent. We paid for this class, though, and she has to participate! Jamie and I went off to play on the playground with his friend. He played hard for most of the hour, but seemed to deflate when we walked back to the softball field. We had just enough time to watch Dot come up for her last pitch - and she connected! The first baseman missed the catch, so she was safe. Yay! The game ended soon after, and Dot excitedly asked for her own mitt. She likes softball! Jamie, on the other hand, was not excited, but did excite things as he threw up down my back. Thankfully we are all experienced moms, and many wipes were handed out freely for clean-up.
After a bath Jamie decided he wants pizza tonight. No nap, please. He's just fine. What a quick change.
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