Friday, April 07, 2006

clean your room!

I will admit that cleaning has never ever been a favored chore for me. I had quite the messy room when I was young - although part of that mess was due to two sisters living in the same room with me. Even today my room is not competely spic and span. (We need more bookshelves!)
Dot's room is a disaster. Literally. She has stuff all over the place. Not just clothes and shoes, but toys, books, papers, crafts... you name it, it's on the floor. We've tried to explain why she should have a neat room, but nothing has caused her to clean. We've tried rewards. We've tried punishements. We've tried everything. Nothing has worked.
If that isn't bad enough, Dot has managed to have her mess spread - Jamie's room is getting messier, and the living room and dining room are spotted with Dot's stuff. Where will it all end?
We are frustrated. What do we do now? How do we get her to clean? and keep it clean? (without going crazy?)

1 comment:

Laura said...

So, last weekend we actually got her room clean. (Without yelling!) It has gotten marginally dirty over the course of the week, but spot cleans have helped. Yay!