I love to sew, and find so much joy in making a new piece of clothing. It is a very relaxing and rewarding hobby for me. (I wish I had more time to indulge!) As I prepare to make a new outfit, I look at the fashion magazines. I look for what cut and style are popular, what materials are being used. I know and understand that I will never look like those models, and I will never be able to afford those clothes, but I can translate that style into a modest, up-to-date outfit for myself. (By the way, neither Jim nor the kids ever look at these magazines.)
What is modest? Many people would like to tell you their set of rules. Is it neck to knee? The entire body covered? Always skirts? You will probably dress in accordance with your culture... for example, an Amish girl would not feel comfortable in frilly, lacy, or tight clothing. Unfortunately, our culture seems to have trashed the idea that girls and women should be modest. It is incredibly sad to walk through the store aisles and see bikinis, halter tops and low-rise jeans for little girls. Even baby girls can have their own bikinis...
If it isn't for sale, don't advertise it.
People should be able to call you a "lady."
You shouldn't make your father / husband / brother uncomfortable.
Many sites across the web will put out their message of modesty. Some I agree with, some I find fanatical. Here is the latest
site that I have come across. I cannot tell you if the rest of the site is worthwhile, but this
series of articles is pretty good. Included is a good reminder to girls looking at "prom" or wedding dresses.