Wednesday, September 28, 2005

It's that time of year...

One of Dorothy's subjects this year is Greek Mythology. Her latest stories have been about Persephone and Hades, explaining the seasons of the year. (If Persephone is above ground it is spring/summer. If she is below ground it is fall/winter.) Dorothy has determined that it is almost time for Persephone to go back to Hades.

We are getting a bit cooler now, which is very nice. The highs are getting to be high 70's/low 80's now. The trees are starting to lose a few leaves, but the flowers are still blooming. This is the time for the crysanthemums to steal the show, and the poppies are starting to bloom, too.

Soon it will be time to clean up the garden. After all, it has been taken over by the neighbor's morning glory vines anyway. I also need to move some perennials in the flower garden, and plant some bulbs for next spring. If I find a good hauling company I will take out the overgrown bushes and the dead tree. It would be nice to get that done!

Note for next year - cosmos are very tall in the flower garden - one plant has blooms over my head! Perhaps I will skip those next spring. I will plant more poppies, asters and coleous, as they did very well in the garden this year. If possible, I will also move the vegetable garden - I am tired of the morning glories taking over every year!

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