Monday, June 13, 2005

This week in Bawlmer, Hon.

This past weekend the Baltimore area had a very unique event - the Hon Fest. Check out the beehives!

Coming up, Flag Day. If the kids are healthy, we might go to the Flag House Museum. Remember to fly Old Glory! See here to brush up on your flag history and etiquette.

Next week we will join the crowds at the local library - it's almost time for the summer reading program! Any "must reads" for Dorothy?

I might be spending money here, they have a few things I want (okay, I would love to be able to plant MOST of these, buy my yard is only so big...). Jim thinks it is a little too goody-goody, but it seems like a fairly good deal. Ooh, I can just see those ferns by my bleeding hearts, and the black eyed susans by the daisies!

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