Sunday, November 22, 2009

Homeschool, Holidays, and Houseguests

We have reached the time of the year (and of the school year) where things increase in intensity. I would prefer to put aside school altogether until the holidays are past, but with some of the curricula we must push through, or we will not be done by the time summer rolls around. Thankfully there are only a few subjects like this; however, the student is not altogether willing to do the work, so it is still a struggle some days.
The holidays are such a joyful time - and yet filled with stress as well. The work of giving is hard. Buying presents, making holiday foods, going to special events; all can be fun or grating, depending on your attitude. Thankfully we have lovely decorations and beautiful carols to look and listen to as we do this work, to make it less of a chore.
This year we have a new experience - house guests for Thanksgiving. We never travel for this holiday - it is too short of a weekend for that long of a trip. (Besides, we will be making that trip in just a month!) We have enjoyed sharing our table with other families, just as others have done for us in the past. We will do so again this year, but we will also be adding in Mom, Dad, and Mike. Our house will be full - and full of joy. We are excited about the chance to work together on this holiday. It will be nice to have others helping to bring up tables and chairs, to prepare food, to corral kids!
All in all, I am looking forward to this holiday, to the beginning of the holiday season, to the work to make it all wondrous and exciting to my family, and in the end, to myself as well.

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