Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If God is not in control...

what would happen if, as the Bible states occured, "the sun and the moon stood still in the sky?"

If the sun stood still, the implication would be that the earth had stopped rotating on its axis; this would imply a large tangential acceleration during the short time when the earth stopped rotating during which catostrophic things would happen (like big buildings falling over). Since the main observed "motion" of the moon is also due to the earth's rotation, the answer would be the same for its stopping. If we meant the moon stopped in its orbit, then it would fall to the earth.

from www.askthephysicist.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your post is aptly named. No mattter how one attempts to explain it, it is still a miraculous event. The Bible Knowledge Commentary says that God slowed the earth's rotation by half. But, even so, such a change requires the omnipotent hand of God to overcome the normal processes of life.

If God can create the universe out of nothing, part the Red Sea long enough for millions to pass through, enable a boy to kill a giant with a sling, and cause a virgin to conceive, certainly this incredible is not impossible.

For with God nothing shall be impossible.


"An important fact that should not be overlooked is that the sun and moon were principal deities among the Canaanites. At the prayer of Israel's leader, Canaan's gods were compelled to obey. This disturbance to their gods must have been terribly upsetting and frightening to the Canaanites." (BKC-OT, 351)