Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Christmas Facts and Fancies"

From the book 1001 Christmas Facts and Fancies by Alfred C. Hottes:

In Silesia a baby born on Christmas will become either a lawyer or thief.

In Spain everyone is admonished to treat cows very kindly because it is believed that cattle breathed upon the Christ Child to keep Him warm.

A dog which howls on Christmas Eve will go mad within the year.

Take an onion on Christmas Eve and cut it through to form twelve cups. Put salt on each and place in a row, giving each the name of a month. The months in which the salt is found wet on the following morning will be wet, and the contrary.

Eat a raw egg before eating anything else on Christmas morning and you will be able to carry heavy weights.

Some say that he whose appetite gives out first st Christmas dies first.

In Scandinavia some families place all their shoes together, as this will cause them to live in harmony thoughout the year.

Never launder a Christmas present before presenting it, as this take out the good luck.

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