Monday, September 11, 2006

homeschool 2006

Today we had our first portolio review, and we passed with flying colors. The kids enjoyed spending the hour at the library, and I enjoyed showing off my daughter's work.

The public school system has an office that follows the homeschoolers. By law they are only allowed two portfolio reveiws a year as long as you are doing your job as teacher. I have heard some horror stories from other parents, but I had a good experience. I guess we are doing okay after one whole week...

I haven't planned out the entire year. I do have a few field trips planned - Science center, art museum, a couple of plays. When we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we'll visit Hershey. I'm sure we'll go to a Smithsonian at some point.

I never thought I would ever homeschool. It has worked out well for us, though, and I'm not crazy yet...


Unknown said...

What is a portfolio review? Do you have to show what curriculum you are using? Or is it a test for Dorothy?

Laura said...

A portfolio review consists of the parent teacher meeting with a public school representative (usually a former teacher) to go over your curriculum, your schedule, and samples of the student's work. In other words, you have to prove that you are doing your job. The student does not have to go.

Unknown said...

It sounds reasonable.