I tried to post a video of Dot's recital this past week, but something went wrong each time I was uploading... so, sorry, no video. She did well, no mistakes other than playing the piece a little too fast and forgetting to bow at the end of the performance. Good job, Dot!
Easter dawned beautifully this year - sunny and warm(ish - it was still under 65 degrees when we left for the early morning hymn sing). It was perfect for our new Easter clothes. Jamie got a Talbot's seersucker suit (very dapper! He got lots of compliments!), and Dot and I got new custom-made dresses (sounds expensive, eh? I know how to talk up my skills, don't I? Quite a few women at church seem to expect me to make them each year, and I don't want to disappoint anyone... ).
We didn't start the day in quite so good a mood... Norah was busy at work just before 6am, ridding our house of a mouse. However, we didn't stay cross at her long - we are very happy when she does her job. Perhaps our congratulations did something for her, because she got another mouse while we were gone at church. Hooray, Norah!