Friday, April 24, 2009

One down, a few more to go

James has finished his first year of math! We have a few more lessons in phonics, and the caterpillars have yet to become butterflies for science.
We have a somewhat clean house, but some rooms need work in order to be ready for the very-best-loved uncle to come visiting. However, we have a project ready for the kids to do with him...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Note: this was supposed to be posted Monday.

Easter was yesterday and I liked it. I had to wake up at 6:40 or thereabouts and I had a nice dress. Jamie kept asking if he could have an Easter dress! Mom said he couldn't have an Easter dress but he could have an Easter shirt. Here are the pictures:

Meanwhile school is going on as usual.

love, Dot

Thursday, April 09, 2009

New webkinz

Yesterday I got a Webkinz and the day before that Jamie got one. I got a tiger and he got a canary; here is what it looks like. Her name is Tamara. This is what she looks like online. Today is Padme's birthday so Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Padme happy birthday to you. goodbye, Dorothy.


Jamie has been overjoyed on two occasions this week. On Tuesday he bought his much longed-for Lil'Kinz yellow canary after a seemingly endless tour of local stores to find it. On Wednesday his new glasses came in. Here is the result: