Friday, March 28, 2008


Isn't it lovely? I have finally upgraded from the inexpensive food processor I received as a gift quite a few years ago. I have been using it often, and it seemed to be getting louder each time - and it wasn't quiet to begin with! I had researched food processors, and two names came up over and over - Kitchenaid and Cusinart. I love my Kitchenaid mixer, but Cusinart was on sale at Macy's this weekend. (I might not have noticed this sale except for the huge ads in the newspaper.) Not only did I replace my aging and noisy food processor, but I also replaced my old, dulling knife set. Hey, maybe Henkels Everedge set isn't top of the line, but they do the job I ask of them. I'm happy with what I purchased, and I look forward to using them as I cook!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A cold Easter morning

Here we are in all our Easter finery, just after the sun came up. I made Dorothy's dress and my dress. Jamie had to make do with what he had. There aren't many patterns out there for boys, especially not for dressy clothes. He'll have some summery shorts later, but it was too cold for them just yet.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New spring shoes

Spring is arriving here, and with next Sunday being Easter, it is time for new shoes. The kids had specific ideas of what they wanted, and for the most part they are happy with their choices. Dot has a nice pair of pale pink ballet flats (that she has worn just about everywhere). Jamie has "church" sandals - which he is wearing with socks today - but is somewhat disappointed by his casual shoes. Jamie has desired yellow crocs for quite some time. Last year he settled for blue ones, as they didn't have any yellow ones in his size. This year he was determined to get yellow ones! However, we couldn't find any. At all. So, we compromised. Hey, character themed shoes have been popular for a long time...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

a weather comparison

Well, this winter has severely disappointed the kids. We got a little snow way back in November, but not much since then.

In our area, birds are returning, and bulbs are growing. Spring is coming!

our tulips

our daffodils

our bleeding hearts

our lilies

our climbing rose