Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Childhood imagination
While we did leave the cookies in the kitchen overnight, we found them safe this morning. No aliens here.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Wee Garden

This past Saturday, while cold and windy, was the day for Dot to begin a garden. She, along with 8 or so other children, took part in a "wee garden" workshop at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. They were able to put 5 small plants and various decorations into their planters. A small mirror became a pond, and nearby there is a snake, lizard, and turtle. Included in her planter: "Dortheanthus."
The arboretum is free, and has a few parking lots (unlike many DC sites). We'll probably go back some day, when it is warmer. (Jim and Jamie tried to walk some of the grounds, but it was not a good day to be outdoors.) The bonsai museum is very interesting - so much work goes into such a small tree. You can find your state tree, walk up to the capital columns, find your favorite herb in the herb garden, wander the fern valley, be overwhelmed by azaelas, and so much more. Check it all out here.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Children's church
"Let dogs delight to bark and bite,
For God hath made them so;
Let bears and lions growl and fight,
For tis their nature to.
But, children, you should never let
Your angry passions rise;
Your little hands were never made
To tear each other's eyes."
Perhaps this?
"1. Thou shalt have no more gods than me.
2. Before no idol bow thy knee.
3. Take not the name of God in vain;
4. Nor dare the Sabbath-day profane.
5. Give both thy parents honour due.
6. Take heed that thou no murder do.
7. Abstain from words and deeds unclean;
8. Nor steal, though thou art poor and mean;
9. Nor make a wilful lie nor love it.
10. What is thy neighbor's dare not covet."
both are found in The Church of Our Fathers by Roland H. Bainton
I have no idea what he's talking about
Using GConf as an Example of How to Create an Userspace Object Manager
James Carter, National Security Agency
It has become apparent that many people want some of the benefits of MLS but in a way that is easier to use than the full MLS implementation.
There are various strategies that can be used to provide security controls over an application under SELinux. One strategy is to turn the program into a userspace object manager. Since the SELinux kernel object managers cannot control objects that are only visible in userspace, creating userspace object managers is a natural part of implementing the flask architecture on Linux. GConf is a configuration system for GNOME and controls configuration keys and values which are not visible to the kernel. This paper discusses the general process of providing SELinux controls over a program and the specific steps taken to provide SELinux controls over GConf.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
For those who care, I have started uploading my photos here. There aren't many there yet.
By the way, Happy Birthday, Fran!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Latest projects

(Sorry for the funny expressions- I was not feeling well when these photos were taken. I don't know what was wrong with Dot.)
Think I like green? I have finished these dresses, and I have more sewing left to do - at least three pairs of shorts have been cut out and prepped, I have quilt blocks to sew together and quilt, and Dot will need a few skirts for camp this summer.
I love to sew... but I hate to see the house after the kids have been left to their own devices.