Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Halfway there

For three years I have been working (on and off, as I have time) on a new quilt for our bed. Things would have gone faster if I didn't have to stop every so often to make long-enough-shorts for Dot, baby quilts as gifts (probably 10 in that time frame), and, of course, homeschool. However, I worked hard this last month, and now it is done - well, at least the piecing is done. I now have to baste it to the backing and batting, then quilt it, and bind the edges. Probably another three years...
Oh, and it doesn't look that busy in real life... somehow the lighting makes it look crazy in that photo.

Jamie's beard

This past weekend held another "haircut Saturday" at our house. About once a month I get out my tools and cut hair for Jim and Jamie. While it is easy enough to do Jim's hair, Jamie is tricky. He does not like the razor, and hates, hates, hates the hairs left behind.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jamie's prized "train board"

In the store you can buy a Thomas the Tank Engine playboard for $50, if you wish. Jamie needed something to put his trains on (the track comes apart more easily when on carpet), so we decided to buy a train board. We, however, are cheap. I could not pay $50 for a painted piece of particleboard. A $6 piece of pegboard and some acrylic craft paint make Jamie a happy boy.
By the way, you can see we have a roundhouse - a nice $2 thrift store find. However, we need the turntable to go along with it. It would make a nice Christmas present if you find one... Other gift ideas for Jamie: more track pieces, more bridges, more train cars (he has most of the engines). Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dot's new pets

The ladybug larvae finally arrived this afternoon. Dot and Jamie gathered around as I dumped in the food/water balls, and oohed and aahed when I dumped in the larvae. We have about 10 that crawl around the habitat - they are the dark spots in the photo. Next, they enter their pupa stage... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

its the most wonderful time of the year

New pajama time! The weather is getting cooler, and out come our comfy clothes. I admit it, I am a sucker for kids in pj's. Especially one-piece pj's on toddlers! Posted by Picasa

Fair results

Dot won six dollars and a second place ribbon with this bowl at the Maryland State Fair. She has big plans for next year... Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 11, 2006

homeschool 2006

Today we had our first portolio review, and we passed with flying colors. The kids enjoyed spending the hour at the library, and I enjoyed showing off my daughter's work.

The public school system has an office that follows the homeschoolers. By law they are only allowed two portfolio reveiws a year as long as you are doing your job as teacher. I have heard some horror stories from other parents, but I had a good experience. I guess we are doing okay after one whole week...

I haven't planned out the entire year. I do have a few field trips planned - Science center, art museum, a couple of plays. When we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we'll visit Hershey. I'm sure we'll go to a Smithsonian at some point.

I never thought I would ever homeschool. It has worked out well for us, though, and I'm not crazy yet...

Friday, September 01, 2006

Captain Hook

Captain Hook must remember
Not to scratch his toes.
Captain Hook must watch out
And never pick his nose.
Captain Hook must be gentle
When he shakes your hand.
Captain Hook must be careful
Openin' sardine cans
And playing tag and pouring tea
And turnin' pages of his book.
Lots of folks I'm glad I ain't --
But mostly Captain Hook!

by Shel Silverstein Posted by Picasa

what those Koreans are up to now

Most Americans have the idea that the people of the orient are super smart and super busy. Perhaps they are... but sometimes you have to wonder what they are busy doing. Is it worth the effort? It's worth a look...