Wednesday, August 30, 2006

new toy

We found a real deal today - only $3.99 as an end-of-summer clearance item. The sand and water playset kept the kids happy for a good half hour before naptime intruded. Poor Jamie, he cried as he had to leave, "I miss it!" Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ohio field trip

Our trip to Ohio was wonderful - a time for fun with family and friends. We relaxed, played and shopped. It made me wish to move to Ohio! Oh well.
On Friday we went on a field trip to the Brukner Nature Center, which is near Dayton. We got more than we bargained for, in a good way and a bad way. It was a very nice place to visit - a welcoming visitors center, birds and animals to observe, an old log cabin, and plenty of paths to hike (reminiscent of Hocking Hills). On top of those things they were having a sale, where we got some good deals! Unfortunately, Jamie had some problems keeping clean and healthy, so our visit was cut short. He did enjoy seeing the animals and birds, especially the turtles.
They rehabilitate injured wildlife there, which explains all the animals and birds. We were able to see owls, turkey vultures, a heron, a bald eagle, crows, foxes, a bobcat, turtles, quail, opossums, and snakes. All for free! The center is supported through donations and grants for the most part, and charges a small fee for entry (only on Sunday). I highly recommend a day trip here. It would be nice to go back someday. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


From a little book I picked up at the library this week:

The British government even tried this tea tax on the American Colonies, but the Americans would have none of it. At an enormous fancy-dress tea party in Boston in 1773, where the guestss came dressed as Red Indians, they decided to renounce tea in favour of Independence. Pitt the Younger then reduced the tax on tea in 1784, a classic example of locking the door after the horse has bolted.

by Helen Simpson

Thursday, August 17, 2006

what assistant pastors do on their days off

Apparently they research Saabs and post on blogs like this. Of course, this is only conjecture on my part. BTW, Mom and I highly recommend the ballet.

toddler vacation

What does a three-year-old do when on vacation? So far Jamie has been spoiled by his grandparents - he's never had so much attention throughout the day. There's always someone who will play with him. There are lots of "new" toys, and new places to see.
In Norwalk Jamie tries to play with Abby, Grandma's dog. Unfortunately, Abby is a bit frightened by this small human, and tries to avoid being alone with him. She does sit by his feet at dinner, though, as he is the one most likely to drop food.
In Columbus there are trains. Lots of trains. If only we could see each and everyone go by... On the other hand, there are lots of toys inside the house, and a swing outside the house. Of course, in Columbus we also go to the thrift stores, where there are lots and lots of new toys just waiting to be played with! Too bad Mommy always wants to look at clothes.
On Friday Uncle Mike will come over. We will go out to Slate Run or Ye Olde Mill or something else fun. On Saturday Daddy and Dorothy will join us and we will have a big party! Want to join us?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rupert Christmas Exchange

Summer is coming to a close. Soon school will start, leaves will fall, days will shorten and winter will arrive. The holidays will be here before you know it! Are you ready?

Here is the Rupert exchange list for this Christmas:

Mike for Joel
Linda for Katrina
Andy for Mike
Sharon for Linda
Jim for Andy
Laura for Sharon
Joel for Jim
Katrina for Laura

Katrina, I like jewelry! :-)
Sharon, what's on your list this year?

The result

This is what I have decided to go with for now... medium-length, side-swept bangs. Thanks for all the input! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I had the same hair for so long, and I figured it was time to change something. At the beginning of the year I started to let my bangs grow out. I know that it is hard to grow hair out gracefully, but I am getting pretty tired of my long bangs. If I return to my old hairstyle I'll feel like I am giving up. What do you think? Should I go for all long hair / no bangs? short bangs straight across the forhead? long bangs swept to the side? medium side-swept bangs?

what you say... what kids hear

This week is Neighborhood Bible Time at our church. I am in the nursery this year, which is far more work than you would think... we had four babies (under one year old) and one toddler (under two years old). None wanted to sleep, but all needed to sleep. I have two teen girls helping, but they tend to let me handle the diapers and fussy kids. At least I am inside with the AC on, instead of out in the heat wave we are dealing with.
One perk of working with the babies - we can sneak in the back of the auditorium for a few minute of Bible time if we want. One day I walked in and listened as they went over the Ten Commandments. Mr. Brock (our NBT leader) asked the primary kids to help him list the commandments in order, one by one. They did well up until they hit #6.
"What is the sixth commandment?" asked Mr Brock.
"Do not kill adult trees." a young boy answered.